You had Botox…where?!
You might think it’s strange to see your dentist for Botox treatment. But actually, it makes perfect sense!
The Background
Doctors have used Botox as a muscle relaxant for decades. A purified derivative of the botulism toxin, experts recognize Botox as a safe way to reduce muscle contractions. Botox only affects the motor nerves of targeted muscles and leaves no residual toxin in the body. The effects of treatment typically last for three to five months. While Botox is a way to counteract the signs of aging, it also helps relieve migraine pain, tooth grinding and facial pain.
But…at the Dentist’s Office?
Dentists have advanced, constantly-updated training in face and mouth structure. Also, we’re experts in medicine and treatments used in oral and face health. Because our expertise is put into practical use on a daily basis, we are ideally qualified to perform the procedures in a safe and confident manner.
Why Botox?
Most commonly, patients turn to us to treat aesthetically problematic areas, such as crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles and lip lines. The results are smoother-appearing skin and brighter, younger features, which can significantly improve self-confidence!
Clinically, dentists utilize Botox in the treatment of bruxism and TMJ (severe tooth grinding and jaw clenching). When jaw muscles over-fire, patients experience chronic pain and unnecessary wear on the teeth. As well, traditional dentistry procedures such as correcting “gummy” smiles or helping patients adjust to new dentures benefit from Botox. Dentists also use Botox to alleviate chronic migraines.
What to Expect
Botox treatments are not painful! Depending on the region being treated, your dental professional will deliver a number of small injections. You should see results within a week. While the treatments only take a few minutes, patients will need to factor in recovery time. After treatment, patients need to remain upright for about 4 hours. Then you should avoid sunlight, exercise, sweat, and alcohol for a further 24 hours. Keeping the area clean during this time (no makeup!) will help prevent infection. Rarely, patients experience brief discomfort such as flu-like symptoms or tenderness immediately following the procedure. You should not receive Botox treatments if you are sick, pregnant or nursing.
Don’t be afraid of Botox. It is such a popular procedure because it is proven, safe and effective. Turning to your dentist for this treatment ensures a highly trained, professional treatment, and results you (and we!) can be proud of.
If you’d like to discuss whether Botox is an option for you, contact Dr. Koning at Sunnyside Dental, and get started.